So, you have decided to buy a new information system and tax cash register for catering business. Great, congratulations! An efficient cashier system ensures the smooth provision of services, operations and execution of transactions. This is a must for a successful restaurant and one of the most important decisions you will make for your business as it will affect your business for the next few years.

But with so many options on the market, how do you make sure you've chosen the right cash register for your restaurant, cafe or catering business?

In order to choose the right solution from a vendor that will support you, we have prepared seven key questions that you should ask yourself before making a choice and we have tried to answer them.

1. What functionalities do I really need?

Point of sale systems have changed radically in recent years, from simple cash registers to comprehensive solutions that cover a whole range of business functions in your company. This is precisely why finding a modern catering system and tax office can be a real experience. Employee time tracking, working from home, portable cash registers, customer databases, remote ordering, desk occupancy tracking… these all sound like good features, right? However, not all of them may be so beneficial for your business. After all, a restaurant may have completely different needs than a local bar.


Before you decide on a tax office, stop and ask yourself: what functionality do I really need? Start by mapping out your requirements and dividing them into three columns: "must do business", "could have" and "extras". The right system is the one that ticks the boxes of your urgent, indispensable requirements.


Check the current offer of top solutions for restaurant tax cash registers and programs for managing TRONpos GASTRO premises.

2. Is the tax office designed specifically for catering?

Tax offices do not operate according to the "all for one, one for all" system. Even if certain typical retail functionalities (for example, employee time recording) suit the retail industry, employees in the hospitality industry has special requirements that are not usually covered by retail software.

After the mandatory introduction of tax cash registers, the number of tax cash register providers grew rapidly. Today, this number is around 100 different providers. Only a cash register designed specifically for the hospitality industry, it will help you manage key daily tasks such as selling meals, creating ingredients, sending orders straight to the kitchen, working tables, remote ordering - and much more.

Don't settle for a system that isn't designed well enough to satisfy yours needs. Instead, look for a software solution that will make your life easier and support your team in all key tasks, from planning sales items, to remote ordering and printing invoices directly at your desk.

The backend program is also extremely important in business, with which you will create new items for sale, edit existing ones, order goods, carry out inventory, export monthly reports for accounting and much more. Find out what is available in the offered solution. On this link you can read more about our backend solution TRONoffice.

3. How will the tax office help me provide fast and consistent service?

Restaurants need a fast and high-quality cash register system. In particular, catering establishments that receive a large number of guests on weekends cannot afford a slow and unresponsive cash register, which would cause service delays and, as a result, dissatisfied or even angry customers.

angry customers at the inn

When you are in the process of choosing a tax office, ask the provider (or better yet, if you know a current user of the tax office) the following things: 

  • Is it interface intuitive? And can it be customized to show only the functionalities that are relevant to the user?
  • Is the cash register responsive quick? When clicking on an item, does it appear on the account immediately, without a time delay?
  • Does the cash register allow different types of payments? Does the cash register handle typical restaurant needs such as: split receipts, counter to table receipts, round bill payment, original receipt, etc.?
  • Can it work on portable devices, such as mobile phones, tablets…?
  • What he is average time to complete the transaction?
  • What happens if the internet connection is interrupted? Can the cash register still accept and process orders - do we need to use a bound receipt book in this case?

4. What is the return on investment (ROI)?

A new cash register system requires an initial investment and is a big commitment, but investing in the right system will pay for itself many times over. Before you decide on the cheapest solution on the market, analyze how each individual solution will affect your result or your business. There are a few factors that make sense to consider when calculating ROI: 

  • Time spent on employee training. In places with high staff turnover, you can save a lot of time and money with an intuitive cashier system that speeds up the training of new staff.
  • Reduced amount of waste. Does the cash register system help with inventory management and monitoring of ingredient consumption in kits? Ordering the right quantities of food and using it efficiently can bring significant savings. At the same time, we all aim for as little food waste as possible.
  • Time spent synchronizing data. If you use separate software for sales management, another for inventory management, a third for employee timekeeping, and so on, you can end up spending a lot of valuable time exporting, comparing, and reconciling data. By choosing a tax office that combines all these functions in one system with a single data source, you can simplify your business and save man hours, money and many headaches in the process. By choosing a single platform that covers your entire business, you can gain more insight into your business and, as a result, make decisions faster and more efficiently.

5. Is the software provider trustworthy?

5. Is the software provider trustworthy?

During the selection process for the introduction of a new tax office, also consider the reputation of the provider. You don't want to pick a random tax office provider just because it is cheap. Although you will save some money in the beginning, you will regret your decision when you run into problems and realize that this provider does not offer quality support and that the system will never be updated!

Our TRONpos cash register is one of the most widespread tax cash registers in Slovenia and is used by more than 5.000 companies.

Our advantage lies in quality support, which is one of our greatest values. For this purpose, we offer an online portal to all our software users and other partners They can report cases related to work processes on the portal, engage with our one-on-one support and follow the stages of their case. TRONpos support is reachable from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is also available in case of emergency on-call support from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m and is payable in nature.

6. Will the tax office support me in the growth of my company?

In two, five, ten years, you may increase your customers, add promotional price lists, expand your business to more locations - your chain may become international. When choosing a new system, make sure that you can add new cash registers in your existing branch and in new locations as your business expands.

A rigid system that doesn't allow integration with other solutions may be cheaper to start with - but you'll need to replace it as soon as you grow. When investing in new technology, remember that the tax office will be with you for many years. Choose a platform that can grow with you and support not only the business as it is today, but also the one you want it to be tomorrow.

7. Are existing customers satisfied with the tax office?

On advertising messages, it seems that all tax offices can do everything. All are flexible, nimble, feature-rich and, of course, easy to use. Don't just trust the seller, it's a good idea to talk to references during the selection process. Some will entrust you with their client list. Reach out to companies in a similar business to yours, get their opinions on usage, and see first-hand whether a solution would fit your needs. The best tax cash register providers will also allow you to test the cash register.

Watch the operation of our TRONpos GASTRO PREMIUM tax cash register in the video below.

If you still have doubts about your choice or need more information, please contact us. Our tax office experts will be happy to help you find the right solution for your needs.

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