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Complete records of business events, fast data processing and business security are key factors on the way to success. ERP makes it possible for you information system, which boasts individual adaptability.
The ERP information system boasts many advantages. Among the most prominent are control, tracking, compliance, optimization, automatic notification and simplicity.
With the ERP system, you will be able to effectively monitor all key business processes and control projects in one place. You will be able to quickly and efficiently transform your relationship management with potential customers into outstanding opportunities. The information system also provides you with complete monitoring of all the company's accounting flows and operations in accordance with legislation and accounting standards.
The information system is also distinguished by the optimal procurement process, control over stocks and the organization of the warehouse. With the help of the system, you will be able to create all types of purchasing documents and automatically generate orders to suppliers. Credit information about business partners, transparent records of liabilities and claims, automatic notification of customers about due liabilities will be available to you. You will be able to manage service activities with complete management of service events and, last but not least, you will monitor the production process by optimizing the necessary stocks.
The information system is designed in a modular way. In practice, this means that you can build the information system according to your needs and growth.
The professional and experienced team will thus prepare for you only those modules that you will need at a given moment, depending on your scope of work or business. Adding modules is simple and fast. Also, ongoing processes will not be limited by adding.
The information system is flexible, innovative, responsive and reliable. As such, it provides you with always supported business decisions to the maximum extent, namely with a sufficient number of trustworthy information.
These allow you to effectively implement adopted strategies and, last but not least, monitor business events.