Login to Comtron online services. For help using it, call us on 02 3003 500 or contact support.
Working hours are every weekday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Login to Comtron online services. For help using it, call us on 02 3003 500 or contact support.
Working hours are every weekday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
We have prepared for you a list of answers to questions that users of our services ask most often. In this way, we want to facilitate your experience with our services and provide you with quick and effective solutions to any dilemmas or problems you may encounter while using our services.
Most frequently asked questions
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise during use our services.
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise when using the TRONpos software.
In the frequently asked questions section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise when using the TronInterCenter software.
TRONpos is a tax cash register adapted for tablets and smartphones running on the Android operating system.
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise when using the software.
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise when using security solutions.
In the frequently asked questions section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise when using system solutions.
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise during use of TRONpos software.
TRONpos ANDROID is a simple cashier application that you can win in a few simple steps. You can install the cash register on your ANDROID tablets or phones. You can also buy a handy mini bluetooth printer in the kit, which you can easily install on your Android device.
Technical support is available to all users of TRONpos from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. Technical support is available during business hours (Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) for all users with a maintenance contract completely free. On-call support is exclusively of a paid nature and is intended for emergencies.
We care about our customers, and we offer support anytime, anywhere. All you need is the TeamViewer QuickSupport app, through which support connects to your device. Our experts will do their best to solve your case in the shortest possible time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call our Customer Service Center at 02 300 35 99 and we will be happy to help you!
We are also available on the portal My Comtron or by e-mail at the address support@tronpos.si.
You don't even need an additional device to operate the TRONpos cash register, as you can use your existing Android smartphone or tablet. You can use your existing desktop or laptop computer for the Windows cash register.
The installation process can be done completely by yourself in just a few minutes, or our highly trained team of tax experts can help you prepare everything.
We install the tax cash register, insert the price list of the items and effectively prepare you to work with the tax cash register. We prepare the tax receipt for you within 24 hours after ordering and receiving all the necessary information for the preparation of the tax receipt.
For a successful implementation, we need a price list of articles, a list of users with tax numbers, an internal act or data about the business premises, and a dedicated digital certificate for tax confirmation of invoices.
Our technical assistance is available at +386 (0)2 300 3585 or at the email address info@tronpos.si.
Register and log in on the website www.tronpos.si. At the top left, click Login, then register, and after registration, log in. The website automatically redirects you to the Programs page, where you can choose between TRONpos Retail, TRONpos Gastro and TRONpos Android. Install TRONpos Retail in the case of trade and service activities, TRONpos Gastro in the case of a restaurant, and if you want a portable, small and convenient cash register, install TRONpos Android on your mobile phone (Android) or Android tablet.
Log in to the TRONpos cash register system as well as to the BackOffice with the email address and password you entered during registration.
You can easily reset your password at the link http://www.tronpos.si/tronretailresetpass.aspx
▪HDD: 64 GB
▪POS Printer
▪HDD: 256 GB
▪POS Printer
▪POS Display
▪POS drawer
▪Barcode reader
It is also possible to pay the customer's due obligations at the TRONpos cash desk. We do this through interim payments. We select the "Receipt" button. We enter the amount, enter the description and necessarily select the reason PAYMENT BY THE BUYER FOR THE TERM. It is also mandatory to enter the customer on the receipt. The reference field is displayed, where we enter the reference to which the interim payment or buyer's payment for DOB.
Cancellation of the document means cancellation of the completed invoice. In doing so, we do not delete the original account, but create a new one, with negative data and values from the original account. At the TRONpos cash desk, for each change of account, it is necessary to first cancel the original document, and then create a new one with the desired changes. At the TRONpos checkout, we support two ways of canceling invoices. Ordinary cancellation is a way of canceling invoices, which allows us to cancel invoices only at the cash register where the original invoices were created. In the Overview of closed accounts, select or find the original invoice and press the Cancel button. A new window opens, where we select the items for cancellation and enter the quantity. We can use the "Select all" option, which will use all items from the original invoice when canceling. It is also necessary to select the reason for cancellation, which will also be visible on the printout of the cancellation invoice. To confirm, select "Confirm". Then at the checkout, we simply cancel the account by choosing the payment method - if we are returning the money. If we do not refund the money, the customer must choose a replacement, which is then added to the same account. If we do not return the money, we can also issue a credit note.
Own consumption is a type of document with which we reduce the stock due to the consumption of goods for our own needs and calculate VAT on the purchase value of the goods used. If we want to make our own consumption, we use the "Offer" button and for the customer we must select the customer with ID 3, that is the OWN CONSUMPTION customer. When we select a customer, the TRONpos cashier redirects us to the "Document header" window, where we specify the document date (production date), DUR date (service rendered), currency date (payment deadline) and any notes, if desired. After entering all the information about the document header, click "Confirm". A preview of your own consumption opens, where you finalize the document by clicking "Finish". The TRONpos system sends the document to be printed. We only select the printer on which we want to print the document, if it is not preset. No. the document is filled out automatically by clicking Finish.
The most common reason for tax-unconfirmed invoices is that the internet connection is not working, or our dedicated digital certificate for tax-verification of invoices has expired (with a validity of five years).
The legal deadline for establishing an electronic connection and eliminating disturbances in sending account information to FURS is two working days from the day of disconnection. In the case of justifiable reasons, this deadline can be extended, but we still recommend that you ensure a working Internet connection during this time and that the invoices are tax certified in time.
It is recommended that when starting the cash register for the first time, we deposit the exchange money in the cash register, which we intend to use on the first working day for the exchange fee. We arrange this with an intermediate receipt, which is located in the "CASHIER". Enter the amount of the balance, the description and choose the reason, the initial balance or exchange money.
Searching for an article is done via the Search article button. The desired article can be found by name, part of the name or by article number (ID).
Example: Search for the article "miscellaneous rubber"
▪For the search string, enter the full name of the article "miscellaneous rubber"; we choose the right one among all the hits,
▪For the search string, enter the initial partial name of the item: g, rubber, rubber, rubber r, rubber ra, rubber misc. We choose the right one among all the hits.
▪For the search string, enter the first word of the article name and partially the non-first word: rubber %azno, rubber %o,... Choose the right one among all hits.
▪For the search string, you can enter only the first word of the article name (various). %razno, %razn, %raz, %ra, %r. We choose the right one among all the hits.
▪For the search string, enter the article number: %id1079. We only get one exact search string.
The "Item stock" button allows us to view the company's stock for the selected item. We can see the stock by individual branches and the total stock of the company.
Add the customer to the account via the "Address" button. This customer will be visible on the invoice statement. The addressee is the customer who will pay for the goods. But we know another type of customer, that is the recipient. The recipient is the customer who receives the goods, but the payer can be someone else - the addressee. Use the "Address" button to add the customer to the account.
A client search window opens. There are several options for finding customers. We have general search and advanced search. ADVANCED SEARCH is a search that allows us to search for a customer by several criteria. A customer can be found using a generic search string, using a tax number, entering a trust card number and using a customer ID. The program searches for us according to the search string in which field we are placed. Enter the customer at the checkout by selecting and pressing the ENTER button.
The search for the addressee and recipient is carried out according to established practice. Click the "Address" button and enter the desired name. We can enter only the first name, surname, company name or first and last name, or only the initial letters of the title, first name or last name. We can also search for the addressee via the addressee ID. This is done by limiting the search string to %id987654321.
Finding an intermediary is different from finding an addressee and recipient. We are looking for a broker exclusively by first name or last name only.
A new customer is entered into the cash register via the "New customer" button. A window for entering customer information opens. The data can be entered manually, but if the customer is a taxpayer, the register of taxpayers of the Republic of Slovenia can be used. Click Addressee and the New customer button. If we know the tax number of a customer who is a taxpayer, we can use the option of searching for customers through the register of taxpayers of the Republic of Slovenia. In this case, enter the tax number and click the magnifying glass.
X-report or a cross-section of the status is located under History of completions. In the event that we print the last closing, which has not yet been closed, we get a cross-section of the balance of the cash register or x-report.
An invoice with deferred payment is a document that does not regulate the stock, but regulates the financial position of the cash register on the date of the document. If we want to create an invoice with a deferral, we click the button, add positions to the document, edit the changes we want and click the "Invoice" button. We must choose a client. When we select a customer, the TRONpos cashier redirects us to the "Document header" window, where we specify the document date (production date), DUR date (service rendered), currency date (payment deadline) and any notes, if desired. After entering all the information about the document header, click "Confirm". A preview of the invoice opens, where we finalize the document by clicking "Finish". The TRONpos system sends the document to be printed. We only select the printer on which we want to print the document, if it is not preset. No. the document is filled out automatically by clicking Finish.
If there was an error in the selection of the payment method when closing the account, we correct it by issuing an invoice without positions. Go to Payments - Payment methods and enter the negative value of the previously selected account and then enter the positive value for the correct payment method. This is how we coordinate and settle the means of payment.
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise during use of TRONpos ANDROID software.
The most common reason for tax-unconfirmed invoices is inaccessibility to the Internet or our digital certificate has expired.
The process is very complicated and in case of incorrect settings, a problem can occur with FURS. Therefore, it is best to contact our support in this case: 02 300 35 85.
We cannot change the conclusion retroactively. We can arrange the matter by arranging a cashier's receipt, which is equal to the amount that was made in the duplicate closing.
The printer must be reconnected to the cash register. It is necessary to check that we have Bluetooth enabled. Then press the "three dots" in the top right corner of the cash register and select the Connect printer option. We select the device called Bluetooth printer. If the connection between the cash register and the printer has been successfully established, a message will appear: The printer has been successfully connected.
Video guides are available on our website to guide you through the use of the TRONpos cash register. You can find them at: http://www.tronpos.si/video-vodici-s-1229.aspx
The TRONpos ANDROID application can be downloaded from the website www.tronpos.si. Before starting the installation, our device will request permission for the application to access certain functions of the Android operating system. We proceed with the installation. The application is installed automatically.
If we want to increase the quantity of the selected position, we can press the same article button several times. Alternatively, we can place ourselves in the selected position and use the + and - signs to set the desired amount. Save by pressing the OK button.
▪Cash exactly is the button to close the account if the customer pays with cash. In this case, we do not need to enter the amount received, and the program does not print a refund for the customer, but immediately prints the invoice.
▪Cash is a button for closing the account if the customer pays with cash. We enter the amount of money received and the program deletes the amount of refund to the customer.
Once we have created groups of articles, we can start entering individual articles. Select the Add article button. A new Add Item window appears. Fill in the necessary fields, namely the name and price with VAT. The item ID is numbered sequentially and automatically. Other data are changed as necessary. If we want to add an image of the article, we place ourselves in the image input field. You can take a picture with the camera or upload it. After filling in all the required and desired information, press the Save button. If you do not want to save the item, press the Cancel button. If we want to edit a certain article, in the Articles menu, we place ourselves in the group in which it belongs and click on the desired article. The Edit Item opens. Change what you want and press the Save button. If we want to discard the changes, press the Cancel button. If we want to move an article to another group, first click on the article in the original group and change the group to the desired one in the Edit article window.
We enter a new user by selecting the "Checkout Options" module, then selecting the "Users" module, where we select the "Add User" option. A pop-up window opens, where we enter the first and last name, username, password (optional) and the user's tax number. If we enter a password for a user, we must be careful that two users have different passwords. If we want to log in with the user, the TRONpos application must be restarted.
In the documents menu, you can find all the invoices that we have ever made at the TRONpos ANDROID cash register. To print a duplicate, find the desired invoice in the documents menu via the date and press the Print button. A duplicate invoice comes out of the POS printer.
As long as the license key is not entered into the TRONpos ANDROID program, the application can be reset to the initial settings. Here we can decide what we want to reset. The reset traffic option is used after the test period, when we decide to actually do business with the TRONpos ANDROID application. We select the RESET TRAFFIC option, and we are left with the items and customers that we previously entered and edited. The option to reset articles is used if we want to delete all articles that exist. The customer reset option is used if we want to delete all existing customers. If we want to reset the TRONpos ANDROID application to the initial settings, we check all data reset options. Warning: After entering the license key, resetting the data to the initial settings is no longer possible.
This button will start to be used with the introduction of the tax office. The export to DURS is used as a report to DURS on the company's operations. We select the business period from date to date and export to the desired file. The data is then submitted to DURS via the appropriate medium.
We select the items that we sold to the customer via a bound invoice book. In the upper right corner, select the DOCUMENT icon and then select the "Linked account book" option. A pop-up window will open in which you need to fill in the following information: date of issue, account number, set number and serial number. all these data are copied from the bound book of accounts which we enter. We also close the account using the same payment method that the customer used to pay.
If you use the DEMO cash register, you can only issue 25 invoices per month. If you have frozen your license, you can reactivate it by calling support at 02 300 35 85 or sending an email to support@tronpos.si.
▪A tablet computer with the Android 4.0 operating system or later with Bluetooth
▪or a mobile phone with the Android 4.0 operating system
▪or newer with Bluetooth, screen size from 4” and at least 512MB RAM
▪POS Bluetooth printer
After the end of the month, we issue a "Monthly report" to the accounting department, which is located in "Cashier options". We choose the desired date and send the PDF to the accounting department by e-mail.
To print invoices from the TRONpos ANDROID application, we need a POS printer. If we want to connect a POS printer, we have to click on the icon (three vertical dots) in the upper right corner of the application. We select the Connect printer option. A new Printer Selection window opens. Choose the right printer from the list or use the Search option at the bottom of the screen. The POS printer is successfully connected if the application displays: "Connected". It is important to turn on the printer first before starting the cash register.
If we want to issue an original invoice, we must first select the customer for whom we will issue an original invoice. We enter the customer on the main screen, where we press the CUSTOMER button. Find the desired customer, then mark it by clicking on it and click the CONFIRM button. If we do not yet have a customer in TRONpos, we must first add them via the NEW CUSTOMER button. When you click on the save button, it redirects you to the main window, where the newly created customer is automatically added.
First, we need to create article groups into which we will classify individual articles. These are, for example: women's haircuts, men's haircuts, colors, hot drinks, food, etc. To create a new group of articles, click the button at the top of the screen in the Articles menu - Add group. A new window opens, where we enter the name of the group, e.g. Hot drinks and press Save. If you do not want to save the created group, press the Cancel button. If we want to change a group of articles, we stand on it and hold it for 3s to open the window Edit group. Now we can change the name of the group or set it as inactive. Save the changes by pressing the Save button.
If we want to cancel the account for various reasons, we must find the desired document in the Documents menu, select it and press the Cancel button. A new window opens. We choose the reason why we want to cancel the invoice. The reason for the cancellation will also be visible on the invoice. We close the canceled invoice with the same payment method as the original invoice, only with minus values.
If we need an X-report, we go to the Cashier Options menu and select the option Overview of closings. We select the conclusion that is highest in the list and press the Print button. If the cash register has not yet been closed for that day, the printout from the POS printer will say X-report.
The Save DB option is for archiving data to the default TRONpos file in the file manager.
With the synchronization option, all data is automatically synchronized with the TRONpos cashier program (for all those who want to have an android tablet or android phone connected to the TRONpos cashier program).
There are several possible explanations for this case, but among the most common are that we only entered an excessive expenditure in the cash register that was issued with a CARD, we chose the CASH payment method, or that we have a negative previous balance due to an excessive deposit.
In the event that the invoice was tax certified later after the invoice was issued, it will not contain the EOR code on the copy of the invoice.
In this case, it is necessary to turn off the printer and simultaneously press and hold the FEED and POWER keys for 5 seconds. "You select ASCII Mode" is printed on the paper, after which we can reconnect the printer and the noisemakers will be visible again. If "You select ASCII Mode" is not displayed, the printer must be turned off and the process repeated.
Try to charge the device for at least 60 minutes, then try to start it. Do not factory reset the device, as the tax office database is on the device. In this case, it is best to contact support: 02 300 35 85.
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise during use TRONpos WINDOWS software. TRONpos WINDOWS is a cash register system adapted for use on any computer with an Internet connection.
We enter a new article in the TRON Office back-end program, where we select the module General codes, Articles and click "Add" below. A new window will appear in which we must fill in the following information: item name, item type, classification, tax rate, price including VAT, and if we want to create a button for the item at the checkout, select the style of the button.
An item may have minus stock in several cases. The most common is that we have not yet entered a receipt for a certain item, even though we are already selling it at the checkout. The second can be if we do not keep stock for the item and have the item type set to "0 - Goods" instead of "1 - Service".
We enter the new user in the TRON Office backend program, where we select the "Users" module and click "Add" in the right corner. Then we enter the username, password, user code, first name, last name, choose the profile name (to assign user rights with it) and enter the tax number.
The most common reason for tax-unconfirmed invoices is inaccessibility to the Internet or our digital certificate has expired. If the invoices are not tax approved, you can check them in the TRON Office, namely in the module "TAX CONFIRMATION OF INVOICES" and then Invoices. We can also check at the checkout in the CLOSED BILLS module.
If the article is not visible at the checkout, it means that we did not specify the style of the button when we entered the article into the program. The button can be created in the TRON Office module General codes -> Articles, where in the lower corner we have the option Create button(s).
We enter the inventory in the TRON Office backend program, where we select the "Documents" module and click "Add", then select the "Inventory" document type. A window will appear asking for confirmation of the card conversion, select "OK". We select a customer (in this case, our company). Then click "Add" and enter the articles for which we would like to arrange the stock. The actual inventory status of the item is entered in the INVENTORY field. We can also generate positions from stock (it will generate all positions for which we already have existing stock and we can also check unlisted items). When we have finished the inventory, we post the document and recalculate the cards.
If we want to issue an original invoice, we must first select the customer for whom we will issue an original invoice. We enter the customer on the main screen, where we click on the Addressee option. We select the desired customer and enter the items, and issue an invoice with any payment method. If we do not yet have a customer in TRONpos, we must first add them via the NEW CUSTOMER button. When you click on the save button, it redirects you to the main window, where the newly created customer is automatically added.
If we need an X-report, we go to the Cashier Options menu and select the option Overview of closings. We select the conclusion that is highest on the sesame and press the Print button. If the cash register is not closed for that day, the printout from the POS printer will say X-report.
If you need support outside of working hours, you can call the on-call support phone number: 02 300 35 99. On-call support is available MON-FRI between 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. and on weekends and holidays between 07:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. On-call support is exclusively of a paid nature and is intended for urgent matters.
If you closed the account with the wrong payment method, you can cancel it and issue a new one with the correct payment method. You can also change the payment method on the desired account if you have the right activated. You can do this by going to the "Finished invoices" group, finding the invoice and clicking on the change payment method button (two arrows) at the bottom left, where the payment method for the selected document is displayed. Changing the payment method on cashier's accounts is possible only in the currently open closing.
If we have the right to change the customer, we can change it in the "Finished accounts" module, where we select the desired account and click on "Change addressee" on the right side. Enter the correct customer and confirm.
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise during use of the TronInterCenter software.
The answer
The answer
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise during use POS systems.
The answer
The answer
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise during use software.
The answer
The answer
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise during use security solutions.
The answer
The answer
In the FAQ section, we offer you answers to the questions that most often arise during use system solutions.
The answer
The answer
In today's age of constant digital change, it's crucial for businesses to equip themselves with the latest tools and software to stay competitive, efficient and flexible. Our range of business solutions is designed to enable your company to function optimally and succeed at every step.
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Our many years of experience and expertise in the industry enable us to offer solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of our customers.
In addition to basic services, we also offer additional solutions that allow our customers to get everything they need in one place.
We pay attention to each client individually and approach their needs with customized solutions that best suit their business.